
Affiliate Retreats

From general recharging to specific intentional themes, Pachānanda’s retreats as well as the retreats of our affiliates give you a chance to heal and release, to prioritize your own wellness and spiritual path, and to anchor in the positive changes you crave.


what is in store for you from our affiliates who have chosen to hold their retreat in our magickal Pachānanda Retreat Center.

Global Gather: Peru

Make Cusco Your Home Base in May, 2024!

Join Our Coliving Community and Explore Peru’s Wonders!
Be a part of our Community: You belong if you’re new to travel or if you have been around the globe a few times. If you solo travel or journey with friends, or are a worldschooling family— you’re in. If you’re anywhere on an age spectrum, you belong here.Let’s co-create a heart-centered, inclusive, high-vibe community.



What people say

“I came into Thrive in a space of disconnection, having lost my centre through the pandemic. It put me back together, connected me deep within and reminded me who I really am, beyond the rumblings of the ego.”
Lucy Puttergill, Transformational Coach and Breathwork Facilitator
“The Thrive course with Niki has so many components that came together to make this course heart opening, community building, source connection strengthening, just to name a few. Done & held by Niki with such grace, love, & positive vibes. Such an incredible experience to help those who wish to awaken to new insights & learnings on this incredible blessed journey.”
Hamed Al-zarrad

© Pachananda