
Healing Sessions

No matter where you are in the world, these remote energy sessions work with your soul to facilitate healing and evolution, through a blend of energy medicine techniques including shamanism and Reiki.

Intuitive Soul Journey

These healing sessions can address specific issues or general themes, from an injured knee to feeling stuck in a dark night of the soul. I create sacred space, and your soul directs the session, as I witness and allow for healing and information to come through. This often includes significant guidance for you, from deep themes of your soul’s path to very concrete ideas for how to take action in your daily routine. It also often includes energy harmonization and cleansing, alignment of the energy body including the chakras, and deep insight into the issues you are longing to heal.

Cleanse and Harmonize Your Energy

Just like we brush our teeth and take a shower, we also need regular energy cleansing in order to maintain health on all levels. You’ll be surprised at how regular cleansing and harmonization can change how you feel, physically, emotionally and mentally!

Gain Insight and Clarity on a Soul Level
In these sessions, your soul directs the healing, and often communicates information and insights that can be helpful in your process and life. Have something specific you need clarity on? Just ask.
Call in Healing and Guidance for Specific Issues
Whether it is a physical illness or pain, a mental or emotional state you aim to shift, an issue or relationship in your life, or a goal you long to achieve, we can work directly with anything you need healing and guidance on!

How it works

Email your request to, with your full name, photo, intention and preferred time to receive the healing (1 hour when you can rest undisturbed). Then, Niki will facilitate the healing session via distance, like a remote prayer. She works on cleansing and harmonizing your energy field, and address your intention and anything else that comes up, using a variety of energy medicine techniques. Afterwards, She will send you an email with any observations, messages and suggestions.

“Let’s Take Responsibility For Our Own Energy, And Trust That It Also Helps The Collective. Om Shanti.”

Niki Coate, Founder Of Healing House & Pachānanda Retreat Center

Book a session

Cost for one session

$155 USD

Cost for four sessions

$555 USD

What people say

“I have experienced many healing sessions in my time however I keep coming back to Niki’s distance healing as I trust & feel the love that Niki puts in every session. Not only do I feel energy shifting every time, I also enjoy the in-depth explanations that Niki offers. She shines a light with incredible insight.”
Hamed Al-zarrad
“My distant healing sessions with Niki have been an essential part of my cancer journey. I’ve worked with a lot of healers but Niki has helped me make big shifts that both conventional and alternative therapies couldn’t touch.”

Shaina Traisman, Founder of Yoga Behind Bars, Author and Owner of Adapt Wellness

“Niki is not only a highly intuitive and skilled practitioner, she is also an incredibly genuine and open-hearted person. Her warmth and openness meant that, during our sessions, I was able to feel comfortable in sharing my fears and challenges, as they were always met with complete non-judgement and understanding. The insight, healing and support that I have received through working with Niki over the past 2 years has been deeply transformational and a profound part of my healing journey.”

Jaime Elder, Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher

© Pachananda